Monday, October 11, 2010

Investing in a punching bag......

So because I don't drink I decided to invest in a punching bag. It has been one of those teaching days and my patience was gone. I have had some difficult students in the past three years, but none compare to the student I have this year! Bottom line is he talks back to us teachers, has no respect, and his consequences, even if it's the principal doesn't seem to phase him. Because of him I need a punching bag to take out my frustrations.....thank goodness I have some really awesome kids because I couldn't handle the teaching career with out my awesome kids. So here was my venting session. All I can say is to you parents out there, please discipline your child so that they don't get to 7th grade and think they can rule the world! I am pretty sure I am preaching to the choir, this is already stuff you would know I am sure. Looking back I have to say I am thankful that my parents set big consequences when I messed up because I learned my lesson. Thanks mom and dad, maybe you can teach a class, I have some parents that I will sign up:). Nonetheless, I have yet ANOTHER name to add to the list of " there is no way in heck I will ever name a child this!". And I used to like that name up to this year:)


  1. i completely understand! i hope it goes better. swear at him see what he does. ha ha just kidding. do not do that.

  2. Christy, I feel for you and I'm kind of feeling the same way with several kids this year. This group is a lot more difficult than any group I've had in the past. Maybe you and I should invest in a punching bag together and we can hang it in the faculty room!

  3. I think I have some legislative money left that I can add to the punching bag fund. It would probably be a better outlet for me than throwing things! :)

  4. Makes me wonder what is going on at home that is causing him to act that way. Sad you teachers get the brunt of it, yet sad for the student, because you know there is something not right at home. Good luck and I hope things work out for the better.
